Dental Hygiene

Should You Brush Your Teeth or Floss Them First?
added on: February 22, 2024

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a key aspect of overall health, and the best way to protect your oral health is to brush and floss your teeth regularly. However, the age-old question of whether to brush or floss first has sparked numerous debates. While both brushing and flossing play pivotal… Read More…

5 Dental Resolutions for a Healthier Smiler in 2024
added on: January 5, 2024

As the calendar turns its pages to a new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our habits and make resolutions for positive changes. While many resolutions focus on fitness, wellness, and health, let’s not forget about the importance of oral health. After all, a healthy smile can contribute… Read More…

How to Freshen Your Breath
added on: December 28, 2023

Few things can be as off-putting as bad breath, also known as halitosis. It can impact your confidence and affect your relationships, both personal and professional. The good news is that bad breath is often preventable with some simple habits and lifestyle changes. Let’s explore the common causes of bad… Read More…

Exploring the Impact of Cold and Flu on Oral Health
added on: December 14, 2023

As the chilly winds of winter sweep in, so does the dreaded season of colds and the flu. While most of us are familiar with the typical symptoms – runny noses, coughs, and fatigue – few may realize the significant impact these illnesses can have on our oral health. The… Read More…

The Essential Role of Flossing in Your Oral Hygiene Routine
added on: November 22, 2023

When you visit your dentist in Rocky Mount, you may have found yourself asking, “Do I really need to floss?” After all, you diligently brush your teeth twice a day, every day, so how significant can flossing be? The truth is, flossing is an integral part of any home oral… Read More…

Mouth Cancer Action Month
added on: November 5, 2023

November is a special month dedicated to creating awareness about mouth cancer, a condition that affects thousands of lives worldwide. Mouth Cancer Action Month, an initiative led by the Mouth Cancer Foundation plays a pivotal role in educating people about the risk factors, early detection, and prevention of this deadly… Read More…

Does Purple Toothpaste Really Whiten Teeth or Is It Just Color Theory?
added on: October 27, 2023

Purple toothpaste has taken the oral care market by storm in recent years, promising to not only clean your teeth but also whiten them. But is it just a gimmick, or can it actually transform the color of your teeth? While your dentist in Rocky Mount will always recommend a professional… Read More…

The Best and Worst Candy for Your Teeth
added on: October 12, 2023

It’s that time again when our grocery aisles are taken over by ghoulish and ghostly goodies. From mini candy bars to oh-so-good gooey treats, the zombie and skeleton wrapping can only mean one thing — Halloween season is here. This also means another holiday that tempts us all with sugary… Read More…

Is Gum Recession Reversible? 
added on: September 15, 2023

Gum recession, also known as gingival recession, is a common dental concern that many people face. It occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth’s root. Gum recession can be distressing, and many patients want to know whether or not… Read More…

Why Do I Keep Biting My Cheeks?
added on: September 6, 2023

We’ve all experienced that familiar and uncomfortable sensation of a sudden sharp pain when you accidentally bite down on the inside of your cheek. It’s an annoyance we often dismiss as a mere accident, but if you find yourself frequently biting your cheeks, there might be more to it than… Read More…

Can Dental Problems Contribute To Headaches And Migraines?
added on: August 25, 2023

People who get a lot of headaches or have chronic migraines may be surprised to learn that a dental problem may be to blame. In fact, these two seemingly unrelated ailments can have a significant impact on each other, and recent research suggests that there may be a strong connection… Read More…

What Causes Someone To Grind Their Teeth?
added on: August 9, 2023

Imagine waking up with a sore jaw and feeling like you’ve just been in an intense boxing match with your own teeth. For millions of people around the world, this is an all too familiar scenario. Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common dental issue that affects individuals of all… Read More…

Are Some People More Likely to Get Cavities?
added on: July 13, 2023

Cavities are a common oral health issue affecting people of all ages and typically require treatment from your dentist in Rocky Mount. While it may seem that some individuals are more likely to get cavities than others, the truth is that anyone can develop a cavity at any time, especially… Read More…

How Do You Maintain Oral Health In The Elderly?
added on: July 5, 2023

As we get older, a lot will change throughout our bodies, and taking care of our health becomes a top priority. This also includes taking good care of our teeth and oral health. In fact, the elderly population faces unique challenges when it comes to oral care as they’re at… Read More…

What to Expect During a Dental Checkup
added on: June 30, 2023

Your dentist in Rocky Mount will tell you that regular dental checkups are essential to maintaining good oral health. But for some patients, the thought of a dental checkup can be intimidating. That’s why we want to take the time to explain what to expect during a dental checkup and… Read More…

Is It Normal to Be Afraid of The Dentist?
added on: October 17, 2022

If you’re afraid of the dentist, you may feel as if you’re alone. Rest assured, you’re far from alone. In fact, about 36% of people in the United States have fear of getting dental treatment, and some even have a legitimate phobia called dentophobia. So while knowing you’re not alone… Read More…

Will Bad Breath Ever Go Away? 
added on: March 17, 2022

Bad breath is an incredibly common complaint of dental patients. In fact, an estimated 60 million Americans are affected by bad breath. But just because it’s common and you’re not alone doesn’t mean that it’s not something that you shouldn’t be concerned about. The truth is bad breath can be… Read More…

Make Dental Care Part of Your 2021 Resolutions
added on: January 15, 2021

New Year’s Resolutions are made each and every January and can range from committing to eating healthier to training to run your first marathon and anything in between. But all resolutions typically have the same underlying notion — to get healthier. This year is no different, and we may actually… Read More…

Can You Whiten Your Teeth Too Much?  
added on: December 28, 2020

There are so many ways to get a whiter smile these days. From over-the-counter whitening strips to a professional whitening treatment from your dentist in Rocky Mount, getting a bright, white smile is no longer reserved for only celebrities. Usually, we interpret a white smile as a healthy, attractive smile,… Read More…

Kissing Under The Mistletoe & Oral Health
added on: December 16, 2020

Getting caught kissing under the mistletoe is a long-time holiday tradition that spans centuries. But did you know that this holiday smooch can also lead to some unwanted problems? Of course, kissing anyone can transfer cold or viruses, but your dentist in Rocky Mount also knows that smooches may also… Read More…

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